Welcome to Miramir!

A global community for those who are changing the world.

Join our growing community: 31863 people!

Join Miramir
Your voice

You vote on improvements, mods, new ideas.

Share the truth

Your voice counts with truth oriented conscious news, articles, ideas and events.


Your information is never sold, shared, or given away, ever.

Be a hero

Powerful activism tools under your fingertips to spearhead positive change.

Do more - together

You have a vision for a better tomorrow. We give you the tools to make it happen, with a tribe of others to help and support you.


  Show your true colors and connect with like-minded people

  Become recognized on topics and ideas you know and love, with cool badges and achievements

  No more searching; easy access to save and sort your favorite content from all over the network in one place.

Groups and Events

  Find your tribe, create a community, and change the world together

  Instantly create or join an event or meetup to make new friends, and do things to unleash your potential

  No more corporations, buy and sell tickets with cryptocurrency and deal directly with people

  Easily find something to do, somewhere to explore, or someone to meet


  Share valuable information with the world and get featured as a contributor and supporter

  Stand out by becoming a content or idea-zilla by posting or commenting things that matter

  Your voice counts; mods voted in and out by you

  Be a leader; create or join a mirflow on a topic you are passionate about


  Support real people, local businesses, and propel a thriving new local economy

  Earn a living by doing and selling things which make our world a better place

  Skip the banks or corporations with a choice to pay with cryptocurrency


  Find that special someone who will ignite your inner fire, or those weirdos you've been looking for all your life, to connect with on a deeper level

  Local dating or meetup events to meet exciting new people and do cool things together

Join Miramir

A revolution in social activism

You are a weapon of mass creation. With Miramir you now have all the tools to spearhead that positive change you've always dreamed of, get your voice heard, and do it together with a community of amazing people.

Mass action

You have the power to change laws, and put good people into office.

Take part in mass calls, emails, and letter campaigns to your local and country political representatives and media outlets, to get our voices heard, inundate them with requests, demand answers, and promote real change within your community, country, and eventually the whole world.

Rally together and vote good people into office.

Alternative wiki

Knowledge cannot be biases, censored, or suppressed.
At your fingertips you have a full scale wiki of in-depth, detailed, and verified truth based information, regarding all topics dealing with health, science, politics, agriculture, psychology, metaphysics, quantuum mechanics etc.

Legal document database and knowledge base to help you deal with any legal issue, as well as a full database of your local, regional, and country political leaders and government officials to have a direct line of contact.

Petitions & grants

Sign petitions to promote important topics on a mass scale.

Help with filling out and securing government grants for your projects and ideas that help our people and planet.


Imagine a million people choose, then share an article, news, or idea on all social networks, at the same time. The whole world will see what is important within minutes.

Meet fellow changemakers

A global club for those who think for themselves.

Whether you are taking your first steps to a more conscious life, or decades into your path, you will find always find someone, or something interesting to engage with inside Miramir.

join the movement

A community for those
who think for themselves

Whether you are taking your first steps to a more conscious life, or decades into your path, you will find always find someone, or something interesting to engage with inside Miramir.

  • No censorship

    Truth oriented conscious news, articles, ideas and events.

  • Secure

    Your information is never sold, shared, or given away, ever.

  • Whistleblowers

    Encrypted whistleblower sharing and data transfer.

  • Cryptocurrency

    Buy and sell with bitcoin.

  • Encrypted

    Encrypted, self-destructing messaging option.

  • Private posting

    Privately post content with your own pseudonym which does not reveal your identity.

  • People powered

    No corporate influence or control.

Miramir is familiar yet different

More powerful than any other social network, while giving you the power to vote in and out mods, vote on design and functionality improvements, and bringing control back to the people.





Miramir vlog

  • Is it really free?

    Miramir will always be free, and unlike Facebook you will never have to pay anything to reach your circle of friends or followers.
  • Are there super mods?

    There are no supermods, all mods and admins are voted in by you, the community, and can be voted out and replaced at any time. Every 6 months there will be mass elections taking pace to ensure the most transparent and strong governing process.
  • Who is funding Miramir?

    Miramir is solely funded by Velimir Sidorov, its founder and CEO. He is a best selling author of 4 alternative health books that have helped over 200,000 people from over 38 countries deal with weight loss, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other health conditions. For the past 5 years he has put all his earning from the sale of his books towards Miramir, and believes it can change how we as a global community connect, share, and create.
  • How can I share this with my friends?

    Sharing by email and social media has a powerful impact. It would mean the world to us if you would share Miramir with your friends, together we can do a lot more than if we are alone. All for one and one for all!
  • What does Miramir mean?

    “Mir” in Russian translates to 3 words - peace, universe, and world. Put them together and it literally means peace to the universe:)


Creating a new world

for us and our children

Join over 31863 changemakers!

Join Miramir